5.2. pythonids.pythondist¶
The module ‘pythondist’ provides the class for the representation of the release parameters for the Python distribution. The pythondist module provides the runtime identifiers of Python distributions. The aquisition of the iderntifiers is implemented by the scan of the current instance and the one-time calculation of the hexadecimal labels for the continued fast processing.
Constants and Attributes
Current Implementation
Global Instance of PythonDist
Pre-Defined Implementation Constants
Pre-Defined Bitmask Utility Constants
tuple of valid integer types, includes long for Jython
tuple of valid numeric types, includes long for Jython
boolean for Jython
namedtuple: (<category>, <syntaxtype>, <dist>, <distrel>)
namedtuple: (<category>, <syntaxtype>, <dist>, <distrel>)
namedtuple: (“<category>”, “<syntaxtype>”, “<dist>”, “<distrel>”)
the supported implementations
Python Helper
5.2.1. Module¶
The values f the distribution identifier are either scanned by scan() method of the current instance
1 2 3 4 5 from pythonids.pythondist import PythonDist x = PythonDist() # creates an empty object x.scan() # scans the Python instance print(str(x)) # prints display-format, see also 'repr', 'json', 'bashvars' and 'basharray'
or provided as call parameters for predictive cross-platform operations by offline evaluation. For example with the following public attributes. The values are defined as numeric bit field within 32-bit integer values, thus are shifted to their defined positions, see also Python Categorization :
Python-2.7.15 - CPython:
category = PYE_PYTHON # python disttype = PYE_PYTHON27 # python-2.7.15 dist = PYE_CPYTHON # CPython distrel = bitmask(2, 7, 15) # python2.7 - here same as syntax version hexrelease = bitmask() # overall bitmask
Python-2.7.13 - PyPy-5.8.0:
category = PYE_PYTHON # python disttype = bitmask(2, 7) # python-2.7.13 dist = PYE_PYPY # PyPy distrel = bitmask(5, 8, 0) # pypy5.8 hexrelease = bitmask() # overall bitmask
pythonids.pythondist provides information about the Python implementation.
Raises ‘pythonids.PythonIDsImplementationError’ when implementation is not supported.
5.2.2. Constants¶ Python Distributions¶
The representation of the Python distribution parameter is an int used as bit-array for binary logic operations. This comprises the disttype, the dist, and the distrel fields encoded as subsections of the complete bitmask. For details see Python Categorization.
The following predefined constants are available.
The predefined bitmasks and support masks see also current supported Python distributions.
Enum Values:
Base type blocks:
CPython is basically the reference implementation of the Python Foundation @python.org, thus the distribution release is identical to the syntax release.
PYE_PYTHON_PRETTY - Python as string ‘Python’
PYE_PYTHON_NAME - Python name as string ‘python’
The specific syntax variant including the standard libraries. The standard libraries are in particular changing in the Python3.X releases, even for micro reelases Python3.X.Z.
PYE_PYTHON27 - Python-2.7
PYE_PYTHON35 - Python-3.5
PYE_PYTHON36 - Python-3.6
PYE_PYTHON37 - Python-3.7
The specific implementation for a given base syntax. While the base syntax is mostly complied thoroughly, the provided standard libraries frequently vary.
PYE_IPYTHON - IPython: [IPython].
PYE_IRONPYTHON - IronPython: [IronPython].
PYE_JYTHON - Jython: [Jython].
PYE_PYPY - PyPy: [PyPy].
RTE_CPYTHON - CPython: [CPython].
A special case is here Cython, which provides a compiler - or basically a pre-processor - for the Python syntax extended by C related syntax elements.
PYE_CYTHON - Cython: [Cython].
dist as special syntax and package variants for small SoCs with small footprints:
PYE_CIRCUITPYTHON - CircuitPython: [CircuitPython].
PYE_MICROPYTHON - MicroPython: [MicroPython].
Control Variables:
PYDIST: Current Python distribution
For the complete list refer to the sources [pythonids.__init__.py] and [pythonids/pythondist.py]. Bitmask Helper¶
The following constants provide the extraction of subfields for logic operations by bitmasks. The bitmasks used for pythonids are semantically separative, thus the value of the field itself is valid, even though e.g. a specific version may not be actually available for the distribution. Thus the logical layers are in a hierarchical order, but the type of the content is not cumulative, though formally not bound to it’s upper layer. The bit values are kept by the bitmask decomposition at their original positions.
Syntax type bits:
PYE_SYNTAXTYPE - extracts a single value for major and minor version
PYE_SYNTAXTYPE_MAJOR - extracts the major only
PYE_SYNTAXTYPE_MINOR - extracts the minor only
Distribution type bits
PYE_DIST - extracts dist enum only
Distribution release version bits:
PYE_DISTREL - extracts the combined value for major, minor, and micro version
PYE_DISTREL_MAJOR - extracts the major only
PYE_DISTREL_MINOR - extracts the minor only
PYE_DISTREL_MICRO - extracts the micro only ISINT¶
Provides a tuple of valid integer types. This is required in particular for Jython, due to it’s use of the type long for numeric values with 32 or more bits. The long type is not supported by the syntax releases Python3 and Python2 - not specified in the grammar specification [Python2]/[Python3], but actually understood by CPython2.7.15.
for Jyhton: ISINT = (int, long,) # long for values of 32bits and more else: ISINT = (int,)
For the application by in:
if type(s) in ISINT: ... ISNUM¶
Provides a tuple of valid numeric types. This is required in particular for Jython, due to it’s use of the type long for numeric values with 32 or more bits. The long type is not supported by the syntax releases Python3 and Python2 - not specified in the grammar specification [Python2]/[Python3], but actually understood by CPython2.7.15.
for Jyhton: ISNUM = (int, float, long,) # long for values of 32bits and more else: ISNUM = (int, float,)
For the application by in:
if type(s) in ISNUM: ...
5.2.3. Variables¶ PYDIST¶
¶ Sets the hex value for fast access based on PYDIST_DATA, The bit encoded Python distribution identifier of current executable for bit mask operations.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PYDIST = encode_pysyntax_to_16bit(*sys.version_info[:3]) e.g. for Python-3.6.5 xxx: 011 yyyyy: 00110 zzzzzzzz: 00000101 PYVxyz = 0b0110011000000101 = 0x6605 = 26117
Du to the static nature of the version number code dependencies the reference values could be provided as integer constants when frequent evaluation is required. PYDIST_DATA¶
¶ Creates the object for the current runtime environment and scans the parameters. A global object of pythonids.pythondist.PythonDist initialized with the data of the current runtime environment. The default is with core attributes only - which almost for sure must not raise exceptions at all. isJython¶
Provides a boolean value of the detection status of Jython.
isJython =: (True | False) Maps¶
The followin maps provide the data for shell scripting.
- The corresponding bash environment names.
bash_map = { 'category': "PYDIST_CATEGORY", 'disttype': "PYDIST_DISTTYPE", 'dist': "PYDIST_DIST", 'distrel': "PYDIST_DISTREL", 'hexrelease': "PYDIST_DISTREL_HEXVERSION", 'compiler': "PYDIST_COMPILER", 'compiler_version': "PYDIST_COMPILER_VERSION", 'c_libc_version': "PYDIST_C_LIBC_VERSION", 'c_compiler': "PYDIST_C_COMPILER", 'c_compiler_version': "PYDIST_C_COMPILER_VERSION", }
- The mapping of attributes to values.
attribute_map = { 'category': "category", 'disttype': "disttype", 'dist': "dist", 'distrel': "distrel", 'hexrelease': "hexrelease", 'compiler': "compiler", 'compiler_version': "compiler_version", 'c_libc_version': "c_libc_version", 'c_compiler': "c_compiler", 'c_compiler_version': "c_compiler_version", }
5.2.4. decode_pydist_32bit_to_tuple_segments¶
(ddat=0)[source]¶ Decodes the 32bit hex representation of the Python distribution into a dict structure with str names and numeric release vectors.
- Parameters
ddat – The 32bit value.
- Returns
PyDist = namedtuple('PyDist', ('category', 'disttype', 'dist', 'distrel')) result := PyDist( PYE_PYTHON, (<syntax-major>,<syntax-minor>), <32bit-dist>, (<dist-major>, <dist-minor>, <dist-micro>) ) PYE_PYTHON: 32bit-enum for category 32bit-syntax-release: 32bit-value for syntax release 32bit-dist: 32bit-enum for distribution 32bit-dist-release: 32bit-value for distribution release
Dictionary with components:
result := { 'category': 'python', 'styntaxtype': (<syntax-major>,<syntax-minor>), 'dist': <dist-name>, 'distrel': (<dist-major>, <dist-minor>, <dist-micro>) } category: canonical str name syntax-major: int value syntax-minor: int value dist: canonical str name dist-major: int value dist-minor: int value dist-micro: int value
- Return type
Nametupel with the components
- Raises
pass-through –
example\_ = pythonids.pythondist.decode_pydist_32bit_to_tuple_segments( 0xa38421cf ) example == { 'category': 1, # Python 'disttype': (2, 7), # Python release: 2.7 'dist': 1, # CPython 'distrel': (2, 7, 15) # CPython release: 2.7.15 }
5.2.5. decode_pydist_32bit_to_tuple_str¶
(ddat=0)[source]¶ Decodes the 32bit hex representation of the Python distribution into a dict structure with str names and str representation of releases.
- Parameters
ddat – The 32bit value.
- Returns
result := { 'category': 'python', 'styntaxtype': <str-syntax-release>, 'dist': <dist-name>, 'distrel': <str-dist-release> } category: canonical str name str-syntax-release: string representation dist: canonical str name str-dist-release: string representation
- Return type
Dictionary with components
- Raises
pass-through –
example\_ = pythonids.pythondist.decode_pydist_32bit_to_tuple_str( 0xa38421cf ) example = { 'category': 'python', # Python 'disttype': 'python2.7', # Python release: 2.7 'dist': 'cpython', # CPython 'distrel': '2.7.15' # CPython release: 2.7.15 }
5.2.6. decode_pydist_32bit_to_tuple¶
(ddat=0)[source]¶ Decodes the 32bit hex representation of the Python distribution into a flat tuple of numbers.
- Parameters
ddat – The 32bit value.
- Returns
PyDist = namedtuple('PyDist', ('category', 'disttype', 'dist', 'distrel')) result := PyDist( PYE_PYTHON, <32bit-syntax-release>, <32bit-dist>, <32bit-dist-release> ) PYE_PYTHON: 32bit-enum for category 32bit-syntax-release: 32bit-value for syntax release 32bit-dist: 32bit-enum for distribution 32bit-dist-release: 32bit-value for distribution release
- Return type
Nametupel with the components
- Raises
pass-through –
example\_ = pythonids.pythondist.decode_pydist_32bit_to_tuple_str( 0xa38421cf ) example = ( 2147483648, # PYE_PYTHON 595591168, # PYE_PYTHON27 262144, # PYE_CPYTHON 8655 # 2.7.15 )
5.2.7. encode_pydist_to_32bit¶
(d=0, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0, sma=0, smi=0)[source]¶ Encodes the Python distribution by calculating the 32bit integer bitmask for the provided Python distribution and syntax release information.
- Parameters
d – The numeric enum value of the distribution with original bit-positions.
dx – The major distribution version number.
dy – The minor distribution version number.
dz – The micro distribution version number.
sma – The major syntax version number.
smi – The minor syntax version number.
- Returns
The 32bit bitmask.
- Raises
pass-through –
For details refer to the component distrel of Bit Mask Layout.
example_ = pythonids.pythondist.encode_pydist_to_32bit( pythonids.pythondist.PYE_CPYTHON, 2, 7, 15, 2,7, ) example = 0xa38421cf = PYE_PYDIST_CPYTHON2715
5.2.8. encode_pydist_segments_to_32bit¶
(**kargs)[source]¶ Encodes the 32bit bitmask of the compressed platform information by the provided values of the sub fields. Non-provided values are set to 0, and though ignored.
This function is mainly designed and foreseen for cache preparation and test environments, though it inherently requires some of the systems performance. Thus do not use it within repetitive calls for performance critical large scale loops with small code sections.
- Parameters
kargs –
The category. The only and one permitted is Python:
category := ( PYE_PYTHON # enum | 'Python' # Pretty name | 'python' # key | 0 # None )
default := 0
The dist:
dist := ( PYE_CPYTHON | PYE_IPYTHON | PYE_IRONPYTHON | PYE_JYTHON | PYE_PYPY | PYE_CIRCUITPYTHON | PYE_MICROPYTHON | <known-name-of-dist> | 0 ) known-name-of-dist := "case insensitive name or pretty name of the distribution" 0 := None default:=0
The distrel:
distrel := ( <int-val> | (<major>, <minor>, <micro>) | 0 ) int-val := the relative integer value of the distrel bits (<major>, <minor>, <micro>):= the tuple of the Python distribution release 0 := None
default := 0
The disttype:
disttype := ( <int-val> | (<major>, <minor>) | 0 ) int-val := the relative integer value of the disttype bits (<major>, <minor>) := the tuple of Python syntax version 0 := None
default := 0
- Returns
The 32bit compressed bitmask of the of the distribution.
- Raises
pass-through –
For details refer to the component distrel of Bit Mask Layout.
example_ = pythonids.pythondist.encode_pydist_to_32bit( category='python', dist='cpython', distrel=(2, 7, 15), disttype=(2, 7), ) example = 0xa38421cf = PYE_PYDIST_CPYTHON2715
5.2.9. PythonDist¶
The class PythonDist provides the representation of Python distributions. The data contains either the current runtime environment, or a user provided platform by parameters. The automatic scan of the current runtime environment has to be triggered explicitly by the method pythonids.PythonDist.scan(). The call replaces all attribute values of the current instance by the detected values.
(*args, **kargs)[source]¶ The provided public attributes are:
The 32-bit enum of category of the syntax. Here the only value is PYE_PYTHON.
The 32-bit encoded major and minor version of the Python syntax definition - PEP440 - finalrelease (2-value).
The 32-bit encoded enum of the Python distribution.
The 32-bit encoded major, minor, and micro version of the Python interpreter/compiler distribution.
- The numeric 32-bit bitmask for the complete set of information.
hexrelease = (category | disttype | dist | distrel)
See bitmasks.
The following extra attributes are optional and not yet reliable on all OS platforms at production degree. These are scanned only when the attribute forceall is set to True. This is not the case for the global default object.
Anyhow, in some cases such as PyPy it is implemented in combination with the distrel information and …
The lower case name of the compiler for the dist.
The 3-value integer version tuple of the compiler.
The tuple of the name and 3-value integer version tuple of the C-library from platform.libc_ver. Attributes¶
The following public attributes are provided for the hierachical platform categorization
The 32bit encoded type of operating system.
category := PYE_PYTHON
The 32bit encoded value of the Python syntax release. See bitmasks:
disttype := (<disttype-major>, < disttype-minor>)
Predefined values are:
The 32bit encoded enum of the distribution. See bitmasks:
dist := ( PYE_CPYTHON | PYE_IPYTHON | PYE_IRONPYTHON | PYE_JYTHON | PYE_PYPY # # experimental # | PYE_CIRCUITPYTHON # experimental | PYE_MICROPYTHON # experimental )
The 32bit encoded value of the implementation release. See bitmasks:
distrel := (<distrel-major>, <distrel-minor>, <distrel-micro>)
The values are for the reference implementation CPython the same as the syntax release, but differ for other implementations.
The 32bit numeric bitmask of the release version representing all previous attributes within one value. See bitmasks.
The presented values are optional and may change unnoticed. These are primarily intended for the test of the pythonids itself. Due to the amout of possible versions these have to be calculated dynamically.
distrel := ( PYE_PYDIST_CPYTHON2715 # 0xa38421cf - CPython-2.7.15 - Python2.7 | PYE_PYDIST_CPYTHON372 # 0xb38431c2 - CPython-3.7.2 - Python3.7 | PYE_PYDIST_IPYTHON550 # 0xA3905140 - IPython-5.5.0 - Python2.7 | PYE_PYDIST_IPYTHON560 # 0xA3905180 - IPython-5.6.0 - Python2.7 | PYE_PYDIST_IRONPYTHON277 # 0xA39421C7 - IRonPython-2.7.7 - Python2.7 | PYE_PYDIST_IRONPYTHON279 # 0xA39421C9 - IRonPython-2.7.9 - Python2.7 | PYE_PYDIST_JYTHON270 # 0xA39821C0 - Jython-2.7.0 - Python2.7 | PYE_PYDIST_JYTHON271 # 0xA39821C1 - Jython-2.7.1 - Python2.7 | PYE_PYDIST_PYPY580 # 0xA3A05200 - PyPy-5.8.0 - Python2.7 | PYE_PYDIST_PYPY60027 # 0xA3A06000 - PyPy-6.0.0 - Python2.7 | PYE_PYDIST_PYPY60035 # 0xB2A06000 - PyPy-6.0.0 - Python3.5 | PYE_PYDIST_PYPY70036 # 0xB3207000 - PyPy-7.0.0 - Python3.6 )
Controls the scan of the compiler and libc information when set to True. Is by default False, thus in global instance too.
The version of the used libc.
The name of the used compiler.
The version of the used compiler. __init__¶
(*args, **kargs)[source]¶ Creates an empty object. The instance could be either initialized by the provided parameters, or remains empty - which is zero 0.
Provides PythonDist.scan() for the readout of the implementation information. The scan() is not called automatic. Each call of scan() replaces the previous values.
- Parameters
args –
Optional positional parameters in the following order. The corresponding keyword-arguments dominate.
*args := [category [, disttype [, dist [, distrel]]]]
kargs –
The registered category for initialization.
default := 0
The registered disttype for initialization.
default := 0
The registered dist for initialization.
default := 0
The registered distrel for initialization.
default := 0
Controls the default for the scan of content:
forceall := ( True # scan distribution and compiler | False # scan distribution only )
default := False
- valuetype:
Defines the representation of the values - where possible:
valuetype := ( raw # original internal value | hex # as hex | sym # mapped to symbolic names ) default := sym
- Returns
Initial instance, optionally initialized by the provided parameters.
- Raises
pass-through – __and__¶
(other)[source]¶ The & operator for the resulting hexversion:
self-bitmask & other-bitmask
- Parameters
other –
The bitmask for operations.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
The resulting bitmask as numeric value.
- Raises
pass-through – __eq__¶
(other)[source]¶ Supports standard comparison with the types PythonDist, and dict. In case of a dict the attributes are used as keys literally.
Synchronizes the hex-value of the release, and compares it with the resulting value from other.
- Parameters
other –
The instannce to be compared.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
True or False.
- Raises
KeyError –
AttributeError – __ge__¶
(other)[source]¶ The >= operator for the resulting hexversion:
self-bitmask >= other-bitmask
- Parameters
other –
The bitmask for operations.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
True or False.
- Raises
pass-through – __gt__¶
(other)[source]¶ The > operator for the resulting hexversion:
self-bitmask > other-bitmask
- Parameters
other –
The bitmask for operations.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
True or False.
- Raises
pass-through – __iand__¶
(other)[source]¶ The in-place & operator for the resulting hexversion:
self-bitmask &= other-bitmask
- Parameters
other –
The bitmask for operations.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
The resulting bitmask as numeric value.
- Raises
pass-through – __int__¶
()[source]¶ The cast operator into the bitmask which is the hexrelease. The cache is used without new calculation if self.hexrelease is present, else created by calling get_hexrelease. For the forced calculation only use get_hexrelease.
int(self) == self-bitmask
- Parameters
none –
- Returns
The resulting bitmask of self as numeric value.
- Raises
pass-through – __ior__¶
(other)[source]¶ The in-place | operator for the resulting hexversion:
self-bitmask |= other-bitmask
- Parameters
other –
The bitmask for operations.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
The resulting bitmask as numeric value.
- Raises
pass-through – __le__¶
(other)[source]¶ The <= operator for the resulting hexversion:
self-bitmask <= other-bitmask
- Parameters
other –
The bitmask for operations.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
The resulting bitmask as numeric value.
- Raises
pass-through – __lt__¶
(other)[source]¶ The < operator for the resulting hexversion:
self-bitmask < other-bitmask
- Parameters
other –
The bitmask for operations.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
True or False.
- Raises
pass-through – __or__¶
(other)[source]¶ The | operator for the resulting hexversion:
self-bitmask | other-bitmask
- Parameters
other –
The bitmask for operations.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
The resulting bitmask as numeric value.
- Raises
pass-through – __rand__¶
(other)[source]¶ The r-side & operator for the resulting hexversion:
other-bitmask & self-bitmask
- Parameters
other –
The bitmask for operations.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
The resulting bitmask as numeric value.
- Raises
pass-through – __repr__¶ __ror__¶
(other)[source]¶ The right-side | operator for the resulting hexversion:
other-bitmask | self-bitmask
- Parameters
other –
The bitmask for operations.
other := ( <int-16bit-mask> # compare with hexversion | <dictionary>) # compare keys only | <tuple>) # compare key-index only | <instance-of-PythonDist> # compare both hexversions )
- Returns
The resulting bitmask as numeric value.
- Raises
pass-through – __setattr__¶ __setitem__¶ get_distribution¶
(rtype=<class 'pythonids.pythondist.PyDist'>)[source]¶ Reads out the distribution data into a tuple of selected type.
- Parameters
rtype –
The return type:
rtype := ( PyDist | PyDistSegments | PyDistStr | tuple | <user-defined-tuple-type> )
default := PyDist
- Returns
( category, disttype, dist, distrel )
- Return type
Returns a tuple of the provided attributes
- Raises
pass-through – get_hexrelease¶
()[source]¶ Returns the dynamically calculated hex version resulting from current values of the member attributes. When not all present, uses the available stack attributes. Does not use cached values, nor stores the result. For the use and recreation of cached values call __int__. scan¶
(forceall=None)[source]¶ Scans local platform for attributes specifying the platform. Supports:
CPython, iPython, IronPython, Jython, PyPy
- Parameters
forceall –
Controls the scan content:
forceall := ( True # scan distribution and compiler | False # scan distribution only )
default := None
- Returns
The tuple of Python identifiers:
category disttype dist distrel
Additional shortcuts prepared for direct processing:
In addition the optional, but strongly supported attributes. These are scanned only in case of forceall==True.
c_libc_version c_compiler c_compiler_version
Returns the value of hexrelease.
- Return type
Superposes the following mandatory attributes by the scanned values
- Raises
5.2.10. PyDist¶
(category, disttype, dist, distrel)¶ Named tuple for structured results. See collections.namedtuple.
5.2.11. PyDistSegments¶
(category, disttype, dist, distrel)¶ Named tuple for structured results as sub-parts. See collections.namedtuple.